





























Transpersonal Psychotherapy



In his essay, "Assumptions of Transpersonal Psychotherapy", Bryan Wittine writes:

"A transpersonal approach seeks to help clients integrate the transcendental or spiritual and personal dimensions of existence, to help

them fulfil their unique, creative individuality while pointing toward their rootedness in the non-temporal, formless, depth dimension

of being".


He proposes the following five postulates:





Transpersonal psychotherapy is an approach to healing/growth that addresses all levels of

spectrum of identity - Egoic, Existential and Transpersonal;



Transpersonal psychotherapy recognizes that the therapist's unfolding awareness of the Self

and his or her spiritual worldview is central in shaping the nature, process and outcome of




Transpersonal psychotherapy is a process of awakening from a lesser to a greater identity;



Transpersonal psychotherapy facilitates the process of awakening by enhancing inner

awareness and intuition; and



In transpersonal psychotherapy, the therapeutic relationship is a vehicle for the process of

awakening in both client and therapist.



"No soul that aspires can ever fail to rise; no heart that loves

can ever be abandoned. Difficulties exist only that in overcoming

them we may grow strong, and they only who have suffered are

able to save."

Annie Besant

"Some Difficulties of the Inner Life"




This forms the framework of the approach to therapy for Dr Rosemary Colston.


Over her many years of research and study, she has found that the transpersonal approach offers its

practitioners - both therapists and clients alike - a profound means of being freed from the base burdens

of blame, shame and guilt that are the commonplace afflictions of most people and enables a return to the

love Self that already resides within.


In this manner, the traumas of life are given new and beneficial meaning which stimulates growth and allows a renewal of identity for the better to be ever forthcoming.


Goldstein and Kornfield (in Seeking the heart of wisdom [1987]) provide the following exploration of the transpersonal approach in community applications:





In the spiritual community that G I Gurdjieff led in France, an old man lived there who was the personification of difficulty - irritable,

messy, fighting with everyone, and unwilling to clean up or help at all. No one got along with him. Finally, after many frustrating months

of trying to stay with the group, the old man left for Paris. Gurdjieff followed him and tried to convince him to return, but it had been too

hard and the man said no. At last Gurdjieff offered the man a very big monthly stipend if he returned. How could he refuse? When he

returned everyone was aghast, and on hearing that he was being paid (while they were being charged a lot to be there), the community

was up in arms. Gurdjieff called them together and after hearing their complaints laughed and explained, "This man is like yeast for

bread". He then said, "Without him here you would never really learn about anger, irritability, patience, and compassion. That is why you

pay me and why I hire him."




"The truth will make you free."

John 8:32






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Last modified: 08/31/23